FSCD Exam Result 2023 PDF – fireservice.gov.bd job result
Bangladesh Fire Service & Civil Defence Result 2023 PDF Download
FSCD Exam Result 2023 pdf download | www.fireservice.gov.bd job result. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, our topic of discussion today is the results of the Fire Service and Civil Defense recruitment test. Where you will be shared with the FSCD recruitment exam schedule, physical filed test, written, viva, final and practical exam results.
FSCD Exam Result 2023
The recruitment test for the Fire Service and Civil Defense (FSCD) is completed in a total of 4 steps. Where in the first stage the initial selection MCQ and physical field examination, in the second stage written, and at the end viva final and practical examination are taken. The test results for each step are published separately. That is, the candidates who pass each stage are selected for the next stage examination. This is how the recruitment process of fire service and civil defense is done.
Bangladesh Fire Service & Civil Defence Job Exam Result
The results of the first phase of the FSCD recruitment exam were released on the same day. Because there are so many candidates in the first stage examination, about 75% of the candidates are dropped from there. Therefore, the results of the first step are published on the same day and the schedule of the written test is fixed very quickly. Note that the results of recruitment exams for all stages of the Fire Service and Civil Defense are published on their official website www.fireservice.gov.bd and in various dailies.
FSCD Firefighter, Driver Recruitment Result
The results of various posts of FSCD’s job recruitment examination have been released. Notable posts include Firefighter, Driver, the results of the first post and the schedule of the written exam. 2 lakh 54 thousand 4 hundred candidates took part in the physical field examination held on 2nd to 10th August, 2023. Among them, a total of 1 lakh 1 thousand candidates passed at the rate of 40%. The rest of the examinations will be held in the fire service and civil defense grounds of all the district cities of the country.
BREB Meter Reader Messenger Result
Final words:
The Department of Fire Service and Civil Defense is a service-oriented organization under the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Which was established in 1982 by the Department of Fire Service and Civil Defense. Under the Ministry of Home Affairs, the organization is inspired by the motto of speed, service and speed.
In that post, we have thoroughly covered the issues related to the recruitment process including the results of the recruitment exam of the Fire Service and Civil Defense. We hope everyone gets “FSCD Exam Result 2023” without any hassle.