xiclassadmission gov bd result 2023 – XI Class Admission Result
xiclassadmission gov bd result 2023 - XI Class Admission Result 2024

xiclassadmission gov bd result 2023 – XI Class Admission Result 2024 will be published today. We invite you all to another new article related to XI Class Admission Result Release. Today, 5th September, 2023, on Tuesday, XI Class i.e. HSC Admission Result 2023 will be officially released – which students will know simultaneously online and via mobile SMS. Read this article carefully from beginning to end to know the rules to check HSC college admission result through xiclassadmission gov bd website.
xiclassadmission gov bd result 2023
Students who have passed the SSC and equivalent examinations apply for admission to XI class from last August 10 to 20, 2023. Where about 16 lakh students applied online initially. XI Class Admission Result or 1st Merit List will be released today based on SSC and equivalent exam results (note, there is no selection test for xi class admission). The result will be published on the website www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd for XI class admission.
xi class admission result
Do you want to know the xi class admission result 2023? Then you are in the right place. Why not, the xi class admission result will be discussed here. Students have applied for admission to XI class in the academic year 2023-2024 by paying online fee, now they are waiting for the result. The much awaited xi class admission result is going to be released tonight at 8 pm, students can know this result of 1st merit list by visiting www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd website and submitting SSC exam roll, registration, exam year, board.
hsc college admission result 2024
After successfully clearing SSC and equivalent exams, students aim to get admission in HSC in good colleges. In view of that, every student selects a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 colleges in the initial online application for HSC admission.
About 1.6 Million students will get admission in science, humanities and business studies groups in the college. This time too, like before, no selection test will be accepted for college admission. Allotment colleges will be selected through lottery based on GPA points obtained in SSC and equivalent examination of the students only.
একাদশ শ্রেণির ভর্তি রেজাল্ট ২০২৩ > ১ম মেধা তালিকার ফলাফল ২০২৪
xiclassadmission gov bd confirmation
Those students who will get a chance in the 1st merit list in the xi class admission have to confirm their admission. This admission can be confirmed by depositing the specified fee on the scheduled date (September 7-10).
xiclassadmission gov bd migration result
Total 3 merit list results will be released for HSC College/ Xi Class admission. Naturally many students will not get chance in 1st merit list, they have to wait for 2nd and 3rd merit list result. If you still do not get admission in the desired college. Then you have to apply for migration admission, so that you can get admission in the college of your choice after the publication of the migration result.