Cadet College Admission Result 2025 pdf [class 7 result]
Cadet College Admission Result 2025 pdf download [class 7 result]

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Asalamalaikum We hope everyone is well! Today we are going to discuss the Cadet College Admission Result 2025 pdf download. So those of you who have participated in the Cadet College Admission Test and those who have parents, pay close attention to the article from beginning to end. Because with this article you will know the date of publication of the results of cadet college admission, the rules for viewing the results, and the schedule of the next examination of the results.
About Cadet College In Bangladesh
Cadet Colleges are autonomous residential educational institutions run under the direct supervision of the Adjutant General Branch of the Bangladesh Army under the Ministry of Defense, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. These traditional educational institutions develop cadets as good citizens and smart personalities by conducting co-curricular activities and extra-curricular activities in addition to their studies. The cadets are trained in this way by providing elementary military training and leadership training under the supervision of skilled officers. And also by conducting quality education activities under the overall supervision of skilled faculty members. So that in future they can provide competent leadership in all spheres of society including the armed forces at home and abroad.
Cadet College Admission Result 2025
The first stage written test for cadet college admission has been held for 2024-25 academic year. Which was held on 4th January, 2025. On that date it was held in all parts of the country including Dhaka from 10 am to 1 noon. Where the first written test is taken out of a total of 300 marks, there are 100 marks in Mathematics, 60 marks in Bengali, 100 marks in English and 40 marks in general knowledge. A total of 3,315 students have participated in the written test for the admission of Cadet College against a total of 600 seats. All the students who took part in the written test for cadet college admission and their parents are now awaiting the results. When will the results of cadet college admission be given? Read the details below to know.
Cadet College Admission Result Published Date
Not only the cadet college admission test, at the end of all the tests, the participating test takers are waiting for the results. They always have a question and a thought in their mind, when is the result of that test published? It is scientifically proven that people are waiting to know the results of what they do. In this case, it is natural that small people will be more interested. Cadet College students take part in the Cadet College admissions test after class six and are more interested in knowing the results at the end of the test.
In this part we will inform them, when will the cadet college admission results 2025 be published? He said this while talking to Major General Shakil Ahmed (Chairman, Governing Body of Cadet College and Adjutant General, Bangladesh Army). The results of the written test in the first week of February 2025 and the schedule of viva and physical test examination of the successful candidates will be published only on the website and in the cadet colleges in a timely manner.
How to get Cadet College Result 2025
After passing class 7, one has to apply for admission in cadet college on the basis of certain qualifications. In that sense, those who pass the cadet college admission test are much younger (11 years). So everything from cadet college admissions applications, their guardians do. Which is why when cadet college admissions results are published, students as well as their parents don’t know how to get results? In this section we will present to you the rules for viewing or receiving the results of cadet college admission. Note that all the information related to the admission including the results of cadet college admission is published on the websites and Follow the procedure given below to easily view and download PDF and pictures of Cadet College Admission Results.
- To see the results of cadet college admission, you have to go to this website first: ❛❜.
- Now notice the ❛notice board❜ section.
- You will see the ❛latest notice board❜ ‘Cadet College Admission Written Test Results Revealed’.
- Download the PDF file, open it and find your roll number.
Cadet College Admission Written Test Result 2025 PDF Download
The long awaited cadet college admission written results 2025 have been published. Which was published today, February, 2024 at 7 pm on the official website of the Army at The index numbers of the candidates who passed the written test for admission in the VII class of the cadet college held on Dec 23, 2024 were published separately for boys and girls. A total of 1,403 students have passed the written test of the first stage at the rate of 51%.
Among them 712 are boys and 591 are girls. Students who pass the written test will be able to take part in the next stage of oral and physical test examination, the date of oral and health examination: from 13th March to 21st March. Viva and physical test examinations will be published on the website Note that Viva and physical test examination will be held in Dhaka Cantonment. Both the father and the mother must be present with the examinees in the viva examination.
Cadet College Admission Question Solution 2023 pdf (Class 7)
Cadet College Admission Test Result 2025 Waiting List
The results of Cadet College Class Seven Admission 2024-25 have been published on the basis of numbered written test. Separate merit lists and waiting lists for boys and girls have been published. Separate merit lists for boys and girls as well as waiting lists have also been released. About 1.75% of the total seats have been included in the merit list. Students on the merit list of the written test must participate in the oral and health tests. At the end of the two tests, then the final merit list will be published.
Final merit list will be prepared on the basis of written test results, oral and health test. Admission will be accepted from the waiting list at the end of admission from merit list. Note that the students who get a place in the merit list must be admitted. The date of confirmation process will be announced after the publication of Cadet College Admission Results 2024-2025 for Cadet College Admission. If a student fails to confirm his / her admission within the stipulated time, his / her nomination will be canceled. In that case admission will be given from the waiting list again. Class 7 Result
At present there are a total of 12 cadet colleges in Bangladesh, including 09 for boys and 03 for girls. In all the cadet colleges, the results of the written test for admission of students as cadets in class 7 in 2024 have been published. Where after the publication of the final stage merit list or results for boys will be admitted to Faujdarhat, Jhenaidah, Mirzapur, Rajshahi, Barisal, Pabna, Sylhet, Rangpur and Comilla Cadet College respectively. There are also Mymensingh, Feni and Joypurhat Girls Cadet Colleges for the girls who have passed.
In Conclusion:
Cadet College Admission Result 2025 has been released. Which can be viewed in the form of pictures and PDF files from the top. Cadet College authorities will start the last class activities from the end of March. Earlier, the cadet college admission circular for the 2024-25 academic year was published on Oct 27, 2023. The online application started on November 5 at 8 am and ended on December 15, 2024 at 5 pm.