HSC Paragraph Suggestion 2023 pdf letter, comparison english 2nd paper
HSC Paragraph Suggestion 2023 pdf download letter, comparison english 2nd paper

HSC Paragraph Suggestion 2023 pdf letter, comparison english 2nd paper exam suggestion download from here. Everyone is invited to this article regarding HSC and equivalent exam suggestions. Today in the article we will present HSC English 2nd Paper Exam Paragraph, Letter, Email and Essay/ Comparison Suggestion 2023 which can be downloaded as PDF file and image. So those of you who are going to appear for HSC English 2nd exam, read this article carefully from beginning to end.
HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023
The HSC English 2nd paper exam is going to be held on Thursday, August 24, 2023. Keeping this exam in mind, students are looking for English 2nd paper final suggestions in various places. So that you can prepare well before the exam on HSC English 2nd paper subject. Because at the HSC level, the subject of English second paper is very difficult. So we will provide in this section HSC English 2nd Paper Grammar and Written Part suggestions in light of short syllabus.
HSC Paragraph Suggestion 2023 PDF
Paragraph is a very important question in English 1st and 2nd paper which is compulsory in HSC exam. This paragraph question is in the second part of English 1st and 2nd papers. In which the number is 15, the question paper mentions how many word paragraphs to write. Generally HSC exams are based on contemporary topics. So for you in this section, paragraph suggestion for HSC exam 2023 is presented.
- Digital Bangladesh
- Padma Bridge
- Dowry System
- Child Marriage
- Load -shedding
- Traffic jam
- Price hike
- Computer
- Women Empowerment
- Climate Change
- Gender Discrimination
- Environmental pollution
- Dengue epidemic
- Green house effect
- School Magazine
- Road Accident
- Village Fair
- Eve-Teasing
- Drug Addiction
HSC English 2nd Paper letter, comparison suggestion 2023
Written questions of Part II are very important in Secondary and Higher Secondary (HSC) English 2nd Paper Examination. Why not the written part of English 2nd paper has total 40 marks, where there are questions on letter/email, application form, essay/ comparison, paragraph, story writing etc.
All the students participating in the HSC exam are looking for short suggestions of all these questions for the English 2nd paper exam, so that they can easily get common in the exam. So we have created HSC English 2nd Paper Letter, Essay Suggestion 2023 by analyzing the experience of various teachers, textbooks, notebooks, model test questions.
- Write an application to the Principal of your college for increasing library facilities/ multimedia facilities.
- Write an application to the Principal of your college for setting up a computerlab/ increasing computer lab facilities.
- Write an application to the Principal of your college for organizing an
English Language Club. - Write an application to the Principal of your college for a seat in the college hostel.
- Write an application to the Principal of your college for arranging a study tour/permission to go on a study tour.
- Write an application to the Principal of your college to open a debating club/ an English debating club/ language club.
- Write an application to the Principal of your college to provide a sound system in your large classroom.
- Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for relief and medical aid for the flood-affected people of your area.
Drug Addiction
Road Accident
Rape/Rape Crisis and Prevention
Female Education
Impact of Facebook/ Meta
City life and Rural Life
Climate Change
Corruption in Bangladesh
Traffic Jam
Corona Virus
Online Education
An Ideal Student
The Padma Multi-Purpose Bridge
Mobile Phone
HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023 pdf Grammar & Writing part [100% Common]
HSC English 2nd Paper Writing Part Suggestion 2023
If you want to do well in the Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) exam, then its prerequisite is to do well in the written part questions. So that you can do well in written part of HSC English 2nd exam. For that we bring you short suggestions, from which hopefully 90% of the questions will appear in the English 2nd paper written part exam.
Report Writing
- A report on the cultural function
- A report on prize giving ceremony
- A report on raises of price of essential commodities
- A report on a book fair
- A report on the celebration of victory day
- A report on the celebration of international mother language day
- A report on Eve-teasing
- A report on the consequence of drug addiction
- A report on traffic jam
- A report on load shedding