[Changed New] NU Honours 2nd Year Routine 2023 PDF [All Dept]
[Changed New] NU Honours 2nd Year Routine 2023 PDF Download [All Dept]

NU Honours 2nd Year Routine 2023 PDF [All Dept] Download & Images, Images from Here. We are starting this article by inviting all the students studying in honours 2nd year under National University in the academic year 2021-22. The main topic of our discussion today is NU Honours 2nd Year Exam Routine. You all already know that Honours 2nd year exam routine has been released on 6th November at 4 PM. National University Examinations Controller Badruzzaman released the routine through a circular signed by the below section and download it.
Honours 2nd Year Routine 2023
Routine for Honours 2nd year examination 2022 to be held under National University for 2021-22 academic year regular, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic year irregular and grade/standard improvement students has been released. According to this published routine and schedule, the examination of the theoretical subject of the Honours 2nd year examination will begin from November 30 and will end on February 11, 2024.
Note that as per Honours 2nd year examination routine the daily examination will be held at 12:30 PM and will continue till the time mentioned in the question paper. All the information including the center list of this examination will be published later on the official website of the National University.
Honours 2nd Year Exam Routine 2023 PDF [All Department]
NU has Honours program in 4 departments namely; BA, BSS, BBA and BSc. There are a total of 30 subjects in these branches or sections namely; Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Environmental Science, Geography and Environment, Psychology, Soil Science, Home Economics, Computer Science,
Management, Accountancy, Marketing, Finance and Banking, Bengali, English, History, History and Culture of Islam, Philosophy, Islamic Education, Arabic, Political Science, Sociology, Social Work, Economics, Anthropology and Geography and Environment 2nd Year Examination Routine 2023 is given separately in PDF and image.
অনার্স ২য় বর্ষের পরীক্ষার রুটিন ২০২৩ PDF [সকল বিভাগ] ডাউনলোড
National University Honours 2nd Year Changed New Routine 2023
Usually during the ongoing examination of the National University many times the examination is postponed due to various reasons. And the new schedule and routine of the modified exam is republished. So if for any reason any exam of Honors second year is postponed or time changed. In that case we will publish the changed new routine of Honours 2nd year here after the official release.